Friday, October 22, 2004

First Days of School! Classroom Management! Discipline!

I'm really glad I found this website! Here are Common Mistakes!

* Don't Smile 'Till Christmas: Becoming an effective teacher does NOT equal being mean! Students want structure, want to be able to feel comfortable, safe and to know what is expected of them. Refusing to smile does not insure that students will behave or that they will want to learn.

* I Want to Be Their Friend: It is great that you love students and want to be close to them. You may be loving, caring, friendly and sensitive, but do not set a goal to be a friend. They need you to be an adult role model that they can admire and look up to. You are setting yourself up for disaster if this is how you approach your classroom.

* Start the First Day of School with an Activity: Most new teachers are so excited about content and having the students engaged in learning that they forget to spend time teaching students the rules and procedures. The first week of school, elementary or secondary, should be spent getting students accustomed to your expectations for the classroom. Teach them the rules and policies, practice them and review them. You can not spend too much time on this. You will not regret the "lost time."

Also recommended Discipline without Stress® Punishments or Rewards by Dr. Marvin Marshall

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